- Your ideas and help are requested! -
The planning for the 2021 EVI-GTI Virtual Conference has started...
... and the Board has been discussing the options.
The currently prefered time for the EVI-GTI 2021 Virtual Conference is in November 2021.
As EVI-GTI is an association of volunteers and all work is done in our spare time, we need your assistance for the bullets as follows.
- Do you want to become a Host? - As EVI-GTI has no bank account, we need a 'local' host who can buffer the few financial transactions that come along with organizing a virtual conference. Cost of a virtual conference are mainly for running a video conference and for some internal hours, and the income to deal with are the conference fees from the delegates. All editorial work like setting up the workshop program and most of the organizational work can be done by the Board or by volunteering members or followers.
- Any help is welcome! Do you want to help us organizing the workshop? - There is always a lot of things to organize: The registration process, contacting the delegates, writing documents and schedules, status updates for the website, reviewing the abstracs and many, many more tasks to do. - Do not hesitate to contact us!
- Do you want to give a technical presentation? - As time is short until November we need to identify interested speakers soon. Please let us now if you are planning for a presentation or if you have just an idea and need advice or assistance.
- Do you want to submit a full paper or an extended abstract? - As in 2019, papers from the EVI-GTI may be submitted for review to a Special Issue of the International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power (IJTTP). Contact us for more information.
- Do yo want to present yourself within 3 minutes? - The 'elavator pitches' were a big success in Graz and we want to schedule a few 'elavator pitches' for the Virtual Conference.
- Do you want to advertise your products around the Conference? - Please contact us for details.
- More ideas? Let us know!
More to come soon.