![Budapest Audience 1](/images/ETC15/Budapest_Audience_1.jpg)
- Hits: 13038
The European Virtual Institute for Gas Turbine Instrumentation
Extended Deadline for Abstracts!
Euroturbo and EVI-GTI have decided to hold The European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC), which is successfully taking place since 1995, as a joint bi-annual event. The 2023 ETC conference will be organised by Euroturbo with the collaboration of EVI-GTI, who will manage and run an additional three days parallel session focused on testing, measurement techniques and experimental validation. Besides the presentation of the papers selected for the conference, this new session will host other presentations and activities, similarly to previous EVI-GTI conferences.
The call is directed to engine OEMs, industry, academia and vendors. Authors of best presentations have a chance to publish a paper in a Special Edition of the IJTPP.
Development of sensors and measuring methods for gas turbines, measurements in gas turbines, advanced sensors and routing, sensors and AM, embedded sensors, novel emission measurements, impacts from H2 and bio-fuels, test rigs, test engines and test facilities for gas turbines, wireless and less wires, energy harvesting, standards for sensors and measurements,…
Questions? - Ask us!
Start of 'Call for Presentations': | 01 December 2022 |
Extended Deadline for submission of EVI-GTI presentation abstracts: | 20 February 2023 |
Deadline for submission of final EVI-GTI presentations: | 31 March 2023 |
In order to upload a document, follow this link to the EVI-GTI File Area:
or follow https://evi-gti.eu/, select the ‘File Area’ in the Main Menu and then select ‘User Upload’.
Note: You need to log in with your EVI-GTI account before you can use the File Area.
Select the file that you want to upload, enter a title and press ‘Start Upload’.
In case you do not want to submit a presentation only, but want to prepare a full paper (on turbomachinery matter or just sensors & measurement) you have to submit this one directly to the ETC abstract submission system: https://www.conftool.com/etc15/register.php .
If you want to submit a paper (that is covered by the EVI-GTI scope), you have to obey the Euroturbo timeline. The Euroturbo Call for Paper Abstracts has been published and will end on 22 June, 2022.
Best papers will get a chance to be published in the IJTPP.
If your paper has been accepted during the review, it will be presented in the EVI-GTI session.
In the EVI-GTI General Assembly Meeting (virtual) in December 2021, the EVI-GTI membership followed the suggestion of the Managing Board and voted for a closer collaboration with the Euroturbo. The details of the new collaboration of Euroturbo and EVI-GTI have just been written down in a Memorandum of Understanding between Euroturbo and EVI-GTI.
EVI-GTI and Euroturbo have been associated already since 2019, after the Graz Conference, and have agreed at that time that EVI-GTI best papers can be published in a Special Edition of the IJTPP.
The two organizations have now agreed on an even stronger collaboration including joint conferences, meaning that the well-received and renowned biannual European Turbomachine Conference (ETC) will be held as a Joint Conference. The ETC15 will take place in the beautiful city of Budapest, Hungary, from 24-28 April 2023.
ETC Conferences consist of several parallel sessions over 5 days. The EVI-GTI part of the ETC15 will appear in the Conference Program as a separate 3-days session in a dedicated auditorium.
All presentations - Euroturbo or EVI-GTI - are open to all subscribers. Fees will be available for all 5 days or day by day, so you can chose if you want to attend only at the EVI-GTI days (Tuesday - Thursday) or whatever choice you like.
A Gala Dinner (usually on Wednesdays) will be open for all subscribers.
What is your benefit?
- You can have up to 5 days of high quality conference for one trip.
- You will meet many more people (especially from academia but also from industry) than you would meet on a sole EVI-GTI Conference.
- You can decide between several sessions and pick the presentations that you like to attend.
- One single registration.
What else will change for you?
- Registration and billing will go through the ETC booking sytem.
- Submission of abstracts for presentations or papers:
Do you want to submit a technical presentation (PPT) in the EVI-GTI part?
- If you want to present a PowerPoint or PDF in the EVI-GTI sessions, you can submit the abstract and the PPT during our Call for Presentatins (timeline will follow soon) as usual to the EVI-GTI File Area on our website. After the Conference, best EVI-GTI papers can again be published in the Special Edition of the IJTPP for a fee.
Do you want to submit a paper related to sensors and measurement?
- If you have a full paper prepared or aim for it, you have to submit it directly to the ETC abstract submission system. This will give you a chance to present it in the EVI-GTI session and to publish it in the IJTPP. If you follow this path, you have to obey the tight timeline. The Euroturbo Call for Paper Abstracts has just been published and will end on 22 June, 2022.
Questions? - Ask us!
Euroturbo together with EVI-GTI will jointly hold the well-received and renowned biannual European Turbomachine Conference ETC15 in the beautiful city of Budapest, Hungary, from 24-28 April 2023.
Copyright: picture taken from Euroturbo website https://www.etc15.eu/
ETC Conferences consist of several parallel sessions over 5 days. One of the sessions will appear in the Conference Program as a separate 3-days session in a dedicated auditorium as the EVI-GTI part of the ETC15.
All presentations - Euroturbo or EVI-GTI - are open to all subscribers. Fees will be available for all 5 days or day by day, so you can choose if you want to attend only at the EVI-GTI days (Tuesday - Thursday) or whatever combination you like.
A Gala Dinner (usually on Wednesdays) will be open for all subscribers.
Early bird reservation fees available!
What is your benefit from the Joint Conference?
- You can have up to 5 days of high quality conference for one trip and one fee.
- You will meet many more people (especially from academia but also from industry) than you would meet on a sole EVI-GTI Conference.
- You can decide between several sessions and pick the presentations that you like to attend.
- One single registration.
What else will change for you?
- Registration and billing will go through the ETC booking sytem.
- Submission of abstracts for presentations or papers:
Do you want to submit a technical presentation (PPT) in the EVI-GTI part?
- If you want to present a PowerPoint or PDF in the EVI-GTI sessions, you can submit the abstract and the PPT during our Call for Presentatins (timeline will follow soon) as usual to the EVI- GTI File Area on our website. After the Conference, best EVI-GTI papers can again be published in the Special Edition of the IJTPP for a fee.
Do you want to submit a paper related to sensors and measurement?
- If you have a full paper prepared or aim for it, you have to submit it directly to the ETC abstract submission system. This will give you a chance to present it in the EVI-GTI session and to publish it in the IJTPP. If you follow this path, you have to obey the tight timeline.
Questions? - Ask us!
In the EVI-GTI General Assembly Meeting (virtual) in December 2021, the EVI-GTI membership followed the suggestion of the Managing Board and voted for a closer collaboration with the Euroturbo. The details of the new collaboration of Euroturbo and EVI-GTI have just been written down in a Memorandum of Understanding between Euroturbo and EVI-GTI.
EVI-GTI and Euroturbo have been associated already since 2019, after the Graz Conference, and have agreed at that time that EVI-GTI best papers can be published in a Special Edition of the IJTPP.
The EVI-GTI Board has decided to postpone the 2020 Conference due to the unpredictable situation that was caused by COVID-19.
According to our current plans, the next Conference will not take place before autumn 2021.
We will keep you posted.
Hope to meet you in 2021 and have some interesting online discussions with you until then.
- Stay healthy! -
A Joint Event of Euroturbo and EVI-GTI! - Register here!