Continuing work on a standard for dynamic pressure measurement
Dear members of the EVI-GTI community,
there is still the need of generating a common standard for dynamic pressure measurements in gas turbines. A first step is to consult the stakeholders to determine the needs and contents for such a standard. Therefore, two surveys regarding transducers and their usage for dynamic pressure measurement have been made available. One questionnaire is aimed at the transducer manufacturers, the other one at the users of such transducers. The links to the questionnaires can be found below. Please do also forward the survey to other stakeholders that are not necessarily a part of the EVI-GTI community.
The surveys were developed to assist the development of the dynamic pressure standard and a summary of the results will be made available to the EVI-GTI community. There will be a timeframe until November to participate in the surveys. The information provided will be de-identified to avoid conclusions on the person or company providing the data and processed by Mathias Krampl, who is currently doing his master thesis with the title “Towards a Standard in Dynamic Pressure Measurement” at the University of Applied Sciences in Graz.
The thesis is initiated by Piezocryst Advanced Sensorics GmbH in cooperation with the EVI-GTI.
Your participation is kindly requested for creating a common standard for dynamic pressure measurements in gas turbines. This standard will improve:
- Comparability
- Transparency
- Reduce complexity
- Simplify applications
The following two surveys deal with the aspects for manufacturers and users and present a chance to actively impact the development of such a standard. The results will be presented upfront an online workshop on November 19th 2020 targeting a roadmap to finish the standard in workgroups.
We kindly ask you to complete the applicable survey below.
Please do also forward the survey to other stakeholders that are not necessarily a part of the EVI-GTI community.
Survey for manufacturers and developers of dynamic pressure transducers:
Survey for users of dynamic pressure transducers and instrumentation experts:
Tags: Dynamic Pressure Measurement, Lab-Gap-Matrix, Thermoacoustics, High Temperature, Transducer Technology, Standardization
- Hits: 9296